Before you knew a single word, you understood sound.

Before language shaped your thoughts, sound shaped your world. In the womb, the steady rhythm of a heartbeat told you you were safe. Low-frequency vibrations cradled you, grounding your earliest sense of being. 

When you surrender to sound and quiet your thinking mind, you open a door to profound emotional release. 

With We The Conscious Studio® 

Breathwork & 360 Sound Immersion @ Nobu Hotel

An immersive experience using breathwork, sound and scent to guide you into a deeper connection with your inner world.
Monday 20th January 2025, 7pm at
Nobu Hotel London Shoreditch

Recent Events

Southbank Centre 

Urban Outfitters
with We The Conscious®

The Psychedelic Society
with We The Conscious®

Hackney Moves Festival

with Manor London

Feel Good Retreat

Charity & Community Programs

Change Grow Live
Drug & Alcohol Recovery Sound Therapy 12 week program

Mental Health & Wellness day

2min dynamic sound bath

Find somewhere comfortable to listen in headphones or speakers, close your eyes and let go.

Layered analog synthesisers with harmonium and quartz crystal singing bowls using dynamic spatial audio to relax and reset your busy brain - save for whenever you need to come back to your centre.

Recorded on a Hackney rooftop in London on a sunny day, and reworked in the studio to add Juno 60, Make Noise Strega, Digitakt rhythm and Roland Roland JX3P.

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